200,000 sq ft Hammersmith Office Space, Chemical-Free Water Treatment Solution

Sam Shale Video

We started our chemical-free journey at this landmark office building about a year ago. Some of you may have read our original post on what we were hoping it would deliver. Setbacks with covid meant the deadline had to be pushed back but at this stage we are confident in publishing this video which we made shortly after the install.

The video shows the ELYSATOR equipment being installed and director Sam Shale talking about the reasons for its installation and the benefits that it will bring to the building long-term.

Another update will be available shortly where we can reveal the results of the install. In the meantime we hope you enjoy the video!

For further information on the benefits of chemical-free water treatment systems and to discuss the feasibility of installing these systems at your building, please contact Sam Shale @ Sam.shale@insight-fm.co.uk

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